Sunday, October 18, 2009

1 Year Portraits | Rochester, NY Modern Child Photographer

My friend Laurie, who was my boss at Jolt, brought her little guy in today for his 1 year portraits. We were pregnant at the same time and it's hard to believe he's already one!!

There are 2 staples in my studio for little ones; the giant bear, and the wooden apples. They're always a huge hit :-)

Little boys that have recently learned to walk don't like to sit still! I always tell moms not to worry, even though they think we're not getting any good shots. We just keep moving them back to center and I can get a shot or two before they run away, haha. Love the innocent look here!

The original plan was to do an nice fall outdoor session, but the weather has just been so cold that mom decided to move it indoors. We had to get a little of that fall feel though:

Laurie- so good to see you guys! I hope you enjoy them so far!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oooh, I love them so far! I can't believe you put them up this quick!! :o) Thanks soo much! It was awesome to see you again and meet your family! Ben is adorable!
Looking forward to seeing the rest!