Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The outfit makes the shot...

What you wear to your session definately makes a difference! I spend a lot of time researching very high end photographers work (and by researching I mean stalking their blogs, lol) and a common thread is that their clients really put a lot of thought into their outfits. Sure the shot itself needs to be well lit, well exposed, all of that. But that's a given- that's why you've hired a pro :-)

A vendor next to me at the Pamper Me Pink event this weekend was selling super cute baby/child leg warmers (or arm warmers as her son was modeling, haha) and I had to buy a pair to try out! Match it up with a fun hat, and you've got an adorable shot!!

Want a pair for your next session?? (Think how cute they'll be on a little girl!!) Email me and I'll send you her contact info!!


EIEIO Photography said...

BEN!! your killin me. How adorable.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I need those... like lots of them!! lol HOW ADORABLE!!!

Lil man looks so grown already..sigh.. they grow so fast :-(


canaanlundquist said...

your little guy is SO cute! thanks for the "love warmer" ad. would love to do a family shot sometime! love your work.
