Sunday, February 28, 2010

{ Sibling Portraits } Rochester, NY modern child portrait photographer

Sessions with little kids are always aerobic!! I finished off a busy week of shooting with this adorable brother & sister.

This handsome guy just turned 2, and if I was lucky he stayed put for exactly 3-1/2 seconds so I could take a shot! This one is almost an outtake since he's headed out of the frame but I just love how the super close composition makes the eyes shine!

I asked big sister if she wanted to sit on my super cool zebra cube and she was very excited! Yay!

Getting two busy kids TOGETHER for a photo is no easy task but we managed to get a few frames!!! (um, yeah that's a plastic hotdog he's holding there, lol)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmmmm kinda cute, whoever they are...;-P