Sunday, September 19, 2010

{ Brian: Odyssey Academy Senior Portraits } rochester, ny photographer

It's been the season for Odyssey, by far the highest number of seniors from there this year! I asked Brian how he found me; he said he looked through his friends images on Facebook and whichever logo he saw the most he was booking with. That was me, yay!

Brian came to his 45 minute session with 4 outfits and a slight aversion to getting his photo taken, lol. We struck up a conversation about our love of skiing (or snowboarding in his case) and our travels to Switzerland and he relaxed, making for some fabulous images!

Love the color of this first shirt!

In this next set there are actually (2) different shirts... I didn't believe he changed when he came out in the second one, haha. One is blue with white, and one is white with blue :-)

We finished up in a great casual hoodie. Love the shadows in this black & white conversion.

Thanks for hanging in there Brian, it was worth it, your images are great!!

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